Generate your ZorgDomein signature:

  1. Fill out all the fields below that are applicable.
  2. Proceed to instructions for your client below "signatures" section.

Your information:



Email client instructions

Adding the signature to Outlook for macOS:

  1. On the Outlook menu, select Preferences.

    Outlook menu with Preferences highlighted

  2. Under Email, select Signatures.

    Signatures Preferences button

  3. Select  Add to add a new signature.

  4. In the Signature editor, paste the copied text from the generator (⌘+V)

    Showing Signature Editor

  5. After you are done creating your signature, close the editor window and save your newly created signature.

  6. At the Choose default signature section choose your created signature in the New messages and the Replies/Forwards drop-down menu

  7. Close the Signatures window.

Change the default Outlook font:

  1. On the Outlook menu, select Preferences.

    Outlook menu with Preferences highlighted

  2. Under Personal Settings, select Fonts.

    Signatures Preferences button

  3. Click the Font... button next to New Email.

    Signatures Preferences button

  4. Under Font select Open Sans and under Size select 10 and press the OK button

    Signatures Preferences button

  5. Repeat the above step for Reply or forward