Generate your ZorgDomein signature:

  1. Fill out all the fields below that are applicable.
  2. Proceed to instructions for your client below "signatures" section.

Your information:



Email client instructions

Adding the signature to Outlook:

  1. Open a new email message.

  2. On the Message menu, select Signature > Signatures.

    Select Signature from the Message menu.

  3. Under Select signature to edit, choose New, and in the New Signature dialog box, type a name for the signature.

  4. Under Edit signature, paste your copied Signature with CTRL+V

    Type a new signature to use in your email
  5. Under Choose default signature, set the following options for your signature:

    In the E-mail account drop-down box, choose an email account to associate with the signature. You can have different signatures for each email account.

    If you want your signature added to all new messages by default, in the New messages drop-down box, select one of your signatures. If you don't want to automatically add a signature to new messages, choose (none). This doesn't add a signature to any messages you reply to or forward.

    If you want your signature to appear in the messages you reply to and forward, in the Replies/forwards drop-down, select one of your signatures. Otherwise, accept the default option of (none).

    Type a new signature to use in your email

  6. Click on the Save button and continue to the next section.

Change the default Outlook font:

  1. Click on the tab Personal Stationary and click on the Font... button under New mail messages

  2. Type a new signature to use in your email

  3. Under Font select Open Sans and under Size select 10 and press the OK button

  4. Type a new signature to use in your email

  5. Repeat the above step for Replying or forwarding messages and Composing and reading plain text messages